Tag: Women's Ordinations

College of Public Preceptors
College of Public Preceptors

Women's ordinations at Akashavana June 2016

By Saccanama on Mon, 6 Jun, 2016 - 13:01

Women's ordinations at Akashavana June 2016

By Saccanama on Mon, 6 Jun, 2016 - 13:01

At Akashavana on 4th June the following women received their public ordination:

Public Preceptor: Parami

Kate Arrowsmith becomes Dharmamayi (long ‘i’)
Sanskrit name meaning: ’She who is filled with Dharma’.
Westernised spelling: Dharmamayi
Private Preceptor: Punyamala

Hattie Johnson becomes Akasajoti (long first and second ‘a’s, long ‘i’) 