Free Buddhist Audio
Free Buddhist Audio

Dharmabyte: Make a Difference - Women in India

By Sadayasihi on Thu, 28 Mar, 2019 - 13:00

Today’s FBA Dharmabyte, Make a Difference - Women in India, is excerpted from the talk Triratna Sangha In India and the Work of the India Dharma Trust by Tarahridaya.

This talk was given as part of Manchester Buddhist Centre’s celebration of Dr Ambedkar’s 60th anniversary of his conversion to Buddhism. She provides a personal recount of the transformative nature of the Dharma and the Triratna Buddhist movement witnessed in India.

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Triratna Women
Triratna Women

Introduction to Triratna Women

By Dharmaprabha on Thu, 7 Mar, 2019 - 12:30

Danasamudra and Dharmaprabha introduce the Triratna Women’s project at the
North London Buddhist Centre, Women’s class in 2017.


Why ordination? Why an Order?

By vajratara on Tue, 11 Feb, 2014 - 14:08
Last weekend Tiratanaloka hosted a weekend for women mitras exploring why we have an Order and what ordination into the Triratna Buddhist Order involves. Listen to Maitreyi’s talk from the weekend - great for those thinking of asking for Ordination, those who are training for Ordination and those who want to ponder the significance of being Ordained!
Community Highlights
Community Highlights

Buddhist Voices: Dassini's Lost Talk on the History of Triratna Women in Scotland

By Candradasa on Tue, 5 Mar, 2013 - 14:41
Since most of the talks from women on the Order Convention weren’t recorded or had technical issues, we thought we’d take the opportunity to recreate as a conversation Dassini’s talk focussing on the history of women practising the Dharma in Scotland. A thoroughly absorbing look at the relationship between the genders in days gone by, and at a landscape and its effect on a Buddhist community in a very particular kind of country…

Recorded at Bodh Gaya, India, March...