Triratna News
Triratna News

Triratna Model Safeguarding policies and Ethical Guidelines 2020

By Munisha on Tue, 7 Apr, 2020 - 15:06

Here are Triratna’s model Ethical guidelines and policies for Safeguarding children and adults, updated for 2020 by Triratna’s Safeguarding team, part of Triratna’s Ethics Kula.

(See below for more information on Safeguarding, the Safeguarding team, the Ethics Kula and the difference between Safeguarding matters and Matters of Order conduct.)

Safeguarding and ethical policies and procedures are a practical expression of ahimsa, non-harming, the value underlying Buddhist precepts and the Bodhisattva activity of protecting living beings from harm.

The model Ethical guidelines (first published in 2015 on the...

Triratna Resources
Triratna Resources

Model Centre Policies (UK)

By Centre Team on Sat, 16 Jul, 2016 - 01:21

We’re developing a set of ‘model policies’ for consideration by Triratna Centres. They have been edited from policies used by Windhorse:Evolution, Karuna, the Birmingham and London Buddhist Centres, and others – we’re grateful to them for permission to reproduce them here. 

Please note that you will need to check for yourself that the policies suggested here will meet your needs and that they satisfy current legislation.

They have been developed using the recommendations on the Charity Commission website, and ‘tweaked’ to suit the way...
