Free Buddhist Audio
Free Buddhist Audio

Inspiration (FBA Podcast)

By Centre Team on Sat, 8 Jun, 2024 - 11:00

Jnanadhara explores the meaning of inspiration and its importance in the Dharmalife. He makes some general observations about the nature of inspiration, discusses the three kinds of faith, and concludes by talking about The Buddha as a source of inspiration. This talk was given at Adhisthana as part of the series Changemakers Weekend: Passing on the Flame, 2024.


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Croydon Buddhist Centre
Croydon Buddhist Centre

Dreaming the Real: Poetry Night

By Gambhiralila on Thu, 22 Feb, 2024 - 15:46

Dreaming the Real: Poetry Night

By Gambhiralila on Thu, 22 Feb, 2024 - 15:46

Dreaming the Real: Poetry Night
Saturday 24 February, 7:00pm-9:00pm
With special guests including Vishvantara and Annabeth Glittermouse Orton
A fundraiser for Tiratanaloka Unlimited, suggested donation: £15
In person and on Zoom

“Buddhism and art […] are indispensable to a balanced spiritual life.” Sangharakshita, The Meaning of Buddhism and the Value of Art   Developing the imagination and sensitivity for beauty is a key part of the spiritual path. Art can have a profound emotional impact and communicate the mystery...

Free Buddhist Audio
Free Buddhist Audio

Dharmabytes: The Clinging is the Self

By Centre Team on Thu, 21 Dec, 2023 - 11:00

Drawing on her experience as a poet, Varasahaya discusses creativity, imagination, and the writing process as a spiritual practice. She reads some of her poems, and explains the process by which they came to birth, and what she learnt about letting go of self as she grappled with writing. Excerpted from the talk Writing As Spiritual Practice given at West London Buddhist Centre, 2017.


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Free Buddhist Audio
Free Buddhist Audio

Dharmabytes: The Whole Person Growing in All Directions

By Centre Team on Thu, 7 Dec, 2023 - 11:00

Maitreyabandhu shares his reflections on the role of the imagination in the spiritual life. Drawing on his experience as an artist, poet and Buddhist practitioner. Excerpted from the talk A Further Reach - Imagination and the Radical given at Croydon Buddhist Centre, 2011.


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Bite-sized inspiration three times every week.

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Buddhist Centre Features
Buddhist Centre Features

Following the White Deer

By Centre Team on Wed, 29 Nov, 2023 - 15:06

Following the White Deer

By Centre Team on Wed, 29 Nov, 2023 - 15:06

🧘‍♀️ 🧘‍♂️ Seven days of meditation, soulful exploration, and strong, supportive friendship: a safe space to go deeper into experience and practice.

A Home Retreat led by Paramananda and Bodhilila

Friday January 19th till Thursday January 25th 2024


In many human cultures white deer hold a place of deep significance, being often met at the edges or boundaries of personal or communal land and experience. Sometimes they appear as messengers from the otherworld, as in Celtic mythology; in some North American...

Triratna News
Triratna News

Sangharakshita Songs

By Centre Team on Sun, 22 Oct, 2023 - 16:43

Sangharakshita Songs

By Centre Team on Sun, 22 Oct, 2023 - 16:43

Next February a date has been scheduled to record a setting of 8 poems by Sangharakshita, with The Royal Scottish National Orchestra and the South African baritone Theo Magongoma. Entitled Sangharakshita Songs, they can be heard here in a piano version with Manidhara/Graham Titus:

Listen to the piano version of Sangharakshita Songs

Listen to more pieces on on Akashadeva’s web site

Essentially, the plan is to combine this work with the existing 2019 recording of the Carbon Symphony, and to launch a worldwide CD and streaming platform release of...

Buddhist Centre Features
Buddhist Centre Features

Watch the Alfoxton Film Exclusively on the Buddhist Centre Online

By Candradasa on Fri, 29 Sep, 2023 - 20:08

Watch the Alfoxton Film Exclusively on the Buddhist Centre Online

By Candradasa on Fri, 29 Sep, 2023 - 20:08

THE BUDDHIST CENTRE [ONLINEpresents ‘A Renovating Virtue’, a poetic and affecting documentary by Hartley Woolf, capturing a year in the life of the Triratna Buddhist community who have taken on the ambitious task of renovating the dilapidated estate of Alfoxton Park in the heart of the Somerset countryside.

Once home to William and Dorothy Wordsworth, the community’s vision is to run the house as an arts and meditation retreat centre. Following the seasons, the film beautifully reveals...

Free Buddhist Audio
Free Buddhist Audio

FBA Podcast: The Moon

By Zac on Sat, 25 Feb, 2023 - 06:00

Paramananda in this free-ranging talk, explains how the moon’s soft light represents compassion, and recites three moon poems that evoke messages of self-knowledge and the regular tides or rhythms of being human. This talk was given at West London Buddhist Centre, 2016.


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A full, curated, quality Dharma talk, every week....

Community Highlights
Croydon Buddhist Centre

Dreaming The Real: Join online for an evening of poetry

By Centre Team on Tue, 14 Feb, 2023 - 03:00

Dreaming The Real: Join online for an evening of poetry

By Centre Team on Tue, 14 Feb, 2023 - 03:00

Dreaming the real poetry night - with friends and special guests from around the country Friday 7.00-9.00pm 17 February - a fundraiser for the Croydon Buddhist Centre (CBC)

15 poets from all over the country will be reading for your enjoyment. Warm up the cold February evening by coming and supporting these varied poets at different stages of exploration in their...
