Buddhist Centre Features
Buddhist Centre Features

Using The Internet On Retreat - What's The Problem?

By mokshini on Fri, 2 Sep, 2016 - 22:32

Maitreyi raises the point that it seems that more and more retreatants don’t heed the request not not to use their mobile phones on retreat.  But what are we in danger of losing when we crave continual connection to friends and family or reach for our phone the moment boredom or aloneness sets in? She suggests that it is only when we allow ourselves to experience a sense of aloneness, and truly give ourselves a chance to be with our experience...

Community Highlights
Community Highlights

How the Online Urban Retreat Complements Local Buddhist Centre Events

By Candradasa on Wed, 30 Oct, 2013 - 20:25
Triratna Buddhist Centres across the world will be running the urban retreat in the same week as the online event… How does the online urban retreat fit with what is happening locally? This is a three-and-a-half minute talk from Vajragupta on how the two can complement each other…

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