Triratna News
Triratna News

Triratna International Gathering 24th-28th August 2017

By Munisha on Sat, 17 Jun, 2017 - 23:09

Triratna International Gathering 24th-28th August 2017

By Munisha on Sat, 17 Jun, 2017 - 23:09

Triratna Buddhist Centres from across Europe, Adhisthana and Buddhafield are joining forces for the fifth Triratna International Gathering Thursday 24th August to Monday 28th August 2017 at Adhisthana, UK. The title of the event is ‘Our Future Dharma: What the World Needs Now’.

The International Gathering is a very special opportunity to experience a large outdoor gathering of people from all over the Triratna world, mostly (but not all) camping, in beautiful countryside. Come and get an inspiring, deep and moving sense of the wider Triratna...

Buddhist Centre Features
Buddhist Centre Features

European Chairs’ Assembly talks money and many languages

By Munisha on Tue, 6 Sep, 2016 - 19:04

European Chairs’ Assembly talks money and many languages

By Munisha on Tue, 6 Sep, 2016 - 19:04

Moving towards the end of their weeklong meeting at Adhisthana, the European Chairs offered puja books in many European languages in an international puja in which we recited the positive precepts in nine languages. You’ll find the international puja book collection on a new shelf at the back of the shrine room.

They also reviewed their finances (see below) and enjoyed a series of very short, spontaneous ‘pop-up’ talks on topics including:

Buddhist Centre Features
Buddhist Centre Features

A rich, full week at the European Chairs' Assembly

By Munisha on Sun, 4 Sep, 2016 - 17:42

A rich, full week at the European Chairs' Assembly

By Munisha on Sun, 4 Sep, 2016 - 17:42

Triratna’s European Chairs’ Assembly (ECA) and their guests have been meeting at Adhisthana since last Monday. They have spent the week creatively and very harmoniously, considering a number of matters to do with the future flourishing of Triratna.

Today we heard about the forthcoming publication of the first volume of Sangharakshita’s Complete Works – in English. Considering that just 5% of the world’s 70 million people are native English-speakers, we also heard of the work of the new,...

Triratna News
Triratna News

FutureDharma Fund launches: pass it on!

By Munisha on Tue, 23 Aug, 2016 - 13:59

FutureDharma Fund launches: pass it on!

By Munisha on Tue, 23 Aug, 2016 - 13:59

Stopping at a roadside service station during a journey many years ago, Sangharakshita surprised his companions by throwing a coin into the wishing well outside. “Did you wish for Enlightenment?” they joked. “No”, he answered, “Enlightenment is guaranteed if you make the effort. I wished for money. With money you can start Buddhist centres.”

Triratna’s FutureDharma Fund, aiming to raise £3-5 million and £500K in annual income by 2021, launched last Saturday at the Combined Order Convention at Wymondham in...
