Tag: Safeguarding adults

Triratna Safeguarding
Triratna Safeguarding

Safeguarding webinars (England)

By ECA Safeguarding on Thu, 29 Oct, 2020 - 14:37

Safeguarding webinars (England)

By ECA Safeguarding on Thu, 29 Oct, 2020 - 14:37

Thirtyone:eight, UK specialists in Safeguarding for faith groups, are offering online courses in

Safeguarding Children & Young People
Safeguarding Adults at Risk of Harm

Safeguarding for Trustees
Safeguarding for Coordinators and Designated Leads (Safeguarding officers)
Safer Recruitment

Online DBS checks and Eligibility
Domestic Abuse
Spiritual Abuse

Bookings and information

If you take part, please let us have your feedback.
Email: safeguarding [at] triratna.community

Triratna Safeguarding
Triratna Safeguarding

Triratna Model Safeguarding policies and Ethical Guidelines 2020

By ECA Safeguarding on Wed, 24 Jun, 2020 - 17:16

Here are Triratna’s model Ethical guidelines and policies for Safeguarding children and adults, updated for 2020 by Triratna’s ECA Safeguarding team.

(See below for more information on Safeguarding, the Safeguarding team, the Ethics Kula and the difference between Safeguarding matters and Matters of Order conduct.)

Safeguarding and ethical policies and procedures are a practical expression of ahimsa, non-harming, the value underlying Buddhist precepts and the Bodhisattva activity of protecting living beings from harm.

The model Ethical guidelines (first published in 2015 on the initiative of Triratna’s International...

European Chairs' Assembly
European Chairs' Assembly

Triratna Model Safeguarding policies and Ethical Guidelines 2020

By Munisha on Tue, 7 Apr, 2020 - 15:51

Triratna Model Safeguarding policies and Ethical Guidelines 2020

By Munisha on Tue, 7 Apr, 2020 - 15:51

Members of Triratna’s European Chairs’ Assembly (ECA: the Chairs of Triratna centres, retreat centres and other initiatives in Europe) take seriously their responsibility to protect children and adults from harm in the course of Triratna activities.

The ECA employs an overall Safeguarding officer, Munisha, who works with the Safeguarding Adviser, Amaladipa, who is very senior in the criminal justice system in the UK.

Triratna has model Safeguarding policies and ethical guidelines, updated every year. 
Read about the 2020 documents and find...

Triratna News
Triratna News

Triratna Model Safeguarding policies and Ethical Guidelines 2020

By Munisha on Tue, 7 Apr, 2020 - 15:06

Here are Triratna’s model Ethical guidelines and policies for Safeguarding children and adults, updated for 2020 by Triratna’s Safeguarding team, part of Triratna’s Ethics Kula.

(See below for more information on Safeguarding, the Safeguarding team, the Ethics Kula and the difference between Safeguarding matters and Matters of Order conduct.)

Safeguarding and ethical policies and procedures are a practical expression of ahimsa, non-harming, the value underlying Buddhist precepts and the Bodhisattva activity of protecting living beings from harm.

The model Ethical guidelines (first published in 2015 on the...

Triratna News
Triratna News

Triratna model Safeguarding policies and Ethical guidelines 2019

By Munisha on Thu, 18 Jul, 2019 - 21:36

Triratna’s model Ethical guidelines and policies for Safeguarding children and adults are published today, updated for 2019 by Triratna’s Safeguarding team, part of Triratna’s Ethics Kula.

(See ‘Who are the Ethics kula and Safeguarding team?” and ‘What is Safeguarding?” below.)

Safeguarding and ethical policies and procedures can be seen as a practical expression of ahimsa, non-harming, the value underlying Buddhist precepts and the Bodhisattva activity of protecting living beings from harm.

The model Ethical guidelines (first published in 2015 on the initiative of Triratna’s International Council)...

Triratna News
Triratna News

Triratna Safeguarding policies and Ethical guidelines 2018

By Munisha on Thu, 24 May, 2018 - 14:56

Continuing work begun in 2013, Triratna’s Ethics kula and Safeguarding team present the 2018 updated model Ethical guidelines and model policies for Safeguarding children and adults in Triratna.

The Ethical guidelines are an internal statement of our values, complementing our model Safeguarding documents, which follow national requirements of charities in England and Wales.

These documents are made available to every Triratna Centre and Group, to use as the basis for their own documents.

Further documents are in development, concerning, for example: disability; bullying and harassment; the Safeguarding of...

Triratna News
Triratna News

Meet the new Triratna Safeguarding team

By Munisha on Wed, 8 Nov, 2017 - 18:21

Meet the new Triratna Safeguarding team

By Munisha on Wed, 8 Nov, 2017 - 18:21

Safeguarding work in Triratna, in progress since 2013, has developed enormously in the last three months. As the overall Safeguarding officer (Munisha) I’d like to bring you up to date.

Training On 4th October, around 30 Safeguarding officers and trustees from Triratna centres across the UK, and Saddhaloka (Chair of Triratna’s College of Public Preceptors), gathered at the Birmingham Buddhist Centre for our second training day. After last year’s training in child protection, this year we worked on ‘Safeguarding adults’ with the help of an...
