International Retreat 2014
International Retreat 2014

Day 2: Happening Now - Presentations and Vajragupta's Talk

By Candradasa on Sat, 24 May, 2014 - 15:12

Day 2: Happening Now - Presentations and Vajragupta's Talk

By Candradasa on Sat, 24 May, 2014 - 15:12
Some first pictures of the morning: women from The Karuna Appeal tell us about their challenging and worthwhile work which helps to support disenfranchised people in India. And Vajragupta giving a wonderful talk on the theme of the retreat, ‘The Bodhisattva’s Reply’…
Karuna Fundraisers
Karuna Fundraisers

Sanghanath needs 3 men for a Karuna door knocking appeal starting on 24th May

By Andrea@Karuna on Tue, 15 Apr, 2014 - 12:50

Sanghanath needs 3 men for a Karuna door knocking appeal starting on 24th May

By Andrea@Karuna on Tue, 15 Apr, 2014 - 12:50This is Sanghanath. I am currently leading a Karuna men’s appeal in London with 5 great men – Barney, Kevin, Nikoli, Michael and Jeremy.

It’s always a privilege to see Karuna fundraisers connect with Karuna’s work in India and turn fundraising into a spiritual practice.

A Karuna appeal can be challenging but such a beneficial spiritual practice. Taking Metta out onto the doorsteps with whatever and whoever you meet. It has often been a life-changing experience for many...
Triratna News
Triratna News

Triratna hosts first residential retreat in Odisha, India

By lokabandhu on Thu, 2 Jan, 2014 - 05:48

Triratna hosts first residential retreat in Odisha, India

By lokabandhu on Thu, 2 Jan, 2014 - 05:48The Indian state of Odisha is located in the remote north-east of the country, many miles beyond the usual Westerners’ ‘tourist trail’ and in many ways cut off from the rest of India. However young men and women from Odisha have for some years now been making the long journey south to study Buddhism and social work at the Nagarjuna Training Institute (NTI), Triratna’s training campus in Nagpur, and the first graduates have now begun returning home to begin...
Jobs, Volunteering & Communities
Jobs, Volunteering & Communities

Karuna Trust seeks Programmes Manager

By lokabandhu on Wed, 11 Dec, 2013 - 14:15

Karuna Trust seeks Programmes Manager

By lokabandhu on Wed, 11 Dec, 2013 - 14:15Job opportunity at the Karuna Trust
Help alleviate suffering in India and work in a friendly and vibrant Buddhist Team Based Right-Livelihood based in London.

Karuna was formed in 1980 as Triratna’s response to the suffering of the Dalit (ex-untouchable) community. We are socially engaged Buddhists and work with some of India’s most disadvantaged people, fundraising and sending over £1 million every year to India - enabling people to reach their full potential through our social and...
Jobs, Volunteering & Communities
Jobs, Volunteering & Communities

Karuna Trust seeks newsletter designer

By lokabandhu on Fri, 6 Dec, 2013 - 12:47

Karuna Trust seeks newsletter designer

By lokabandhu on Fri, 6 Dec, 2013 - 12:47Could you be the Karuna Trust’s next newsletter designer…..?

Every year Karuna sends an annual newsletter to 7300 Karuna supporters.

In this year’s newsletter, you’ll meet Mahesh Pednekar. He is so grateful for the care, education and encouragement he received at our hostel in Goa. Mahesh’s ‘untouchable status’ meant he had to overcome great hardship, to become a dentist. Since 1984 we’ve been able to send over 10,000 people like Mahesh to school.
Leeds Buddhist Centre
Leeds Buddhist Centre

Notes from an Appealing Buddhist

By Shakyapada on Sat, 25 May, 2013 - 11:41

Notes from an Appealing Buddhist

By Shakyapada on Sat, 25 May, 2013 - 11:41Or life on a Karuna fundraising appeal

Ready, set, go…
So here I am sitting on the 10.58 from York, heading for Kings Cross and, for once, I have no expectations about where I’m going or what it’s going to be like. I’m going to be staying in Bethnal Green, at The London Buddhist Centre, for 6 weeks as part of a small team, knocking on suburban doors, introducing people to the work of the Karuna Trust and,...
Triratna News
Triratna News

Karuna creates new Dhamma Seed Fund

By lokabandhu on Tue, 9 Oct, 2012 - 05:36

Karuna creates new Dhamma Seed Fund

By lokabandhu on Tue, 9 Oct, 2012 - 05:36Day 2 of our ‘India Week’ on Triratna News features the Karuna Trust’s new ‘Dhamma Seed Fund’, set up to make grants to new Buddhist groups across India, however small. It complements the larger ‘Dhamma’ grants given to other parts of the Triratna Buddhist community in India, notably our main retreat centres there, Bhaja and Bor Dharan. The new fund is closely linked to the work of the Nagarjuna Training Institute, Triratna’s campus facility in India...
Triratna News
Triratna News

How Karuna is helping to spread the Dharma in India

By lokabandhu on Mon, 8 Oct, 2012 - 11:38

How Karuna is helping to spread the Dharma in India

By lokabandhu on Mon, 8 Oct, 2012 - 11:38This week features a set of stories about Triratna’s social and Dhamma work in India in the run-up to October 14th and the anniversary of the great ‘mass conversions’ of 1956. These saw millions of Indians leave their ‘low-caste’ status in the Hindu caste system and convert to Buddhism under the leadership of the great Dr. Ambedkar. Andrea, from Triratna’s fundraising charity the ‘Karuna Trust’, writes with some of the background to this extraordinary ‘Dhamma Revolution’, and news...
Triratna Young Buddhists
Triratna Young Buddhists

Compassion in Action: Fundraising with the Karuna Trust

By sanghadhara on Sun, 10 Jun, 2012 - 22:30
Lucy’s Talk given in October 2011 after completing a six-week Karuna fundraising Appeal.
Triratna News
Triratna News

Karuna support ground-breaking legal case in India

By lokabandhu on Wed, 1 Feb, 2012 - 06:11

Karuna support ground-breaking legal case in India

By lokabandhu on Wed, 1 Feb, 2012 - 06:11Andrea writes from Triratna’s Karuna Trust with news of a ground-breaking legal victory won by one of Karuna’s Indian project partners, the Human Rights Law Network (HRLN). The case was the first time perpetrators of a caste atrocity - still common in India - have been brought to justice by receiving life imprisonment under the Prevention of Atrocities Act (1989). She says -

“The Mirchpur Dalit atrocity case concerns a Dalit father and daughter,...
