Triratna in the Buddhist World
Triratna in the Buddhist World

A visit to the English Sangha Trust

By Munisha on Thu, 27 Apr, 2017 - 16:06

A visit to the English Sangha Trust

By Munisha on Thu, 27 Apr, 2017 - 16:06

It’s been a busy few months with other work but I didn’t want to leave unrecorded an interesting visit to Amaravati Buddhist Monastery in Hertfordshire, UK, last October. Part of the Thai Forest Tradition, it’s run by the English Sangha Trust, who invited Sangharakshita to come back to Britain from India in 1964.

In my capacity as Triratna’s Liaison Officer, looking after Triratna’s co-operation with other Buddhist traditions in Europe, Sangharakshita had asked...