European Chairs' Assembly
European Chairs' Assembly

ECA Winter 2016 - Podcast No.3: Amalavajra on 'Awakening Money'

By mokshini on Thu, 7 Jan, 2016 - 19:19

A wee report from day 3 of the 2016 Triratna European Chairs Assembly on Amalavajra’s ‘Money Awakening’ workshop. 

As Amalavajra points out, the Chair of a Triratna Buddhist Centre is likely to be one of the more influential people in their situation - so their views on money matter. 

We look at the 8 money archetypes, and the effect of giving more and more from a position of genuine generosity as we move towards a ‘gift’ economy within Triratna - a more appropriate term,...

European Chairs' Assembly
European Chairs' Assembly

ECA Winter 2016 - Podcast No. 2: Ratnaguna on the Pure Land Sutras

By mokshini on Wed, 6 Jan, 2016 - 23:14

At the end of the second full day at Adhisthana on the European Chairs Assembly, Mokshini and Dassini report in on a rich, full and delightful day spent in the company of Ratnaguna - an Order member who has just written a commentary on the Pure Land Sutras.

Ratnaguna shared some of his insights during the day on common themes between the Pure Land Sutras and Sangharakshita’s teaching, which underpins Dharma practice in the Triratna Buddhist Community.

We also hear why this “meeting” shouldn’t...

European Chairs' Assembly
European Chairs' Assembly

ECA Winter 2016 - Podcast No1! A Chat With Dassini

By mokshini on Tue, 5 Jan, 2016 - 16:31

Mokshini here, in conversations with Dassini, Chair of the Glasgow Buddhist Centre in Scotland, to introduce the whys and wherefores of the Triratna European Chairs Assembly. A focus on how things work - particularly around friendship and practice as a community.

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See all posts from the ECA 2016

Community Highlights
Community Highlights

European Chairs Assembly 2016 - Introduction With Dassini

By Candradasa on Tue, 5 Jan, 2016 - 14:10

Mokshini in conversations with Dassini, Chair of the Glasgow Buddhist Centre in Scotland, to introduce the whys and wherefores of the Triratna European Chairs Assembly. A focus on how things work - particularly around friendship and practice as a community.

Subscribe to our podcast in iTunes | Subscribe to our podcast via RSS

See all posts from the ECA 2016

European Chairs' Assembly
European Chairs' Assembly

European Triratna Chairs Assembly AGM and business meeting minutes

By Nandavajra on Sun, 13 Sep, 2015 - 10:23

European Chairs Assembly Business Meeting and AGM 19th August 2015

Here are the minutes for the AGM and business meeting of the ECA which took place on 19th August 2015 in the context of the summer 2015 ECA meeting.

Nandavajra, Triratna Development Team

nandavajra [at]

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European Chairs' Assembly
European Chairs' Assembly

Triratna European Chairs Assembly Annual Report and accounts

By Nandavajra on Sun, 13 Sep, 2015 - 10:19

European Chairs Assembly Business Meeting and AGM 19th August 2015

Here is the Annual Report and Accounts for the European Triratna Chairs Assembly as agreed at the AGM of the ECA on 19th August 2015 and as submitted to the statutory bodies (the Charity Commission and Companies House) in the UK

Nandavajra, Triratna Development Team

nandavajra [at]

European Chairs' Assembly
European Chairs' Assembly

Report on the January 2015 ECA Meeting

By Nandavajra on Tue, 10 Feb, 2015 - 18:54
In early January (5th to 12th) around 35 members of the ECA, from the UK and mainland Europe gathered at Adhisthana for the first of their biannual assembly. They were joined by representatives from the College of Public Preceptors and the Order office for a very significant, effective and harmonious meeting. Here you can find a report briefly summarising the presentations and discussion, a Vision and Strategy document and the minutes of the business meeting. If you want...
European Chairs' Assembly
European Chairs' Assembly

Growth Fund 2015 - taking the Dharma out into the world

By Nandavajra on Sat, 17 Jan, 2015 - 14:58
Triratna Chairs Assembly Growth Fund 2015 – taking the Dharma out into the world.

Applications are being invited for the Triratna Growth Fund for 2015. The purpose of the Growth Fund is to encourage the growth of the Triratna Community where growth is defined as an increase in the numbers of people coming to us to learn basic meditation and Dharma.

In 2015 we have a total of around £7000 available and we envisage this being given in...
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European Chairs' Assembly
European Chairs' Assembly

Report on European Chairs Assembly 2014

By Nandavajra on Tue, 12 Aug, 2014 - 10:32
Here is a summary report of the summer European Chairs Assembly meeting held at Adhisthana from 21st to 31st July. It’s easier to read that working your way through the more detailed reports and minutes
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ECA July 2014 meeting summary report193.72 KB
